Three Thriller Shows I'm Watching, and One I Will Be

hey there,

with an extensive break comes an extensive Netflix period: no deadlines (although I do have deadlines), no pressure, and no guilt. Usually when I'm on Netflix I'm rewatching old movies and tv shows that I definitely have seen plenty of times now. Recently I've been on a American crime show trip -murder, mystery, men- I can't get enough of it. Funnily enough all three are based on true events, all three have males leads, and all three take place around the same time. So if you're looking for something intriguing, here's three shows I'm watching and one I will be as soon as it airs:

New Year, New Planner

hey there,

Putting aside all this *new year new me* bullshit, I've decided to finally start a bullet journal. I've known about it for I'd say four years or so, but never quite had the courage to start one. I've always wanted to, but the commitment and the intricacies kind of scared me off. Questions like what if it doesn't look as pretty, what if I mess up, and what if it doesn't work out held me back.

If you don't know what a bullet journal is or what you can do with it, the makers of the system have shared a how-to video here, and there's plenty of other people's explanations on Youtube. Basically the bullet journal system allows you to set up a planner that works for you and your needs: you can determine how much space is allocated to day or system. You are not constricted to the ordinary planner set up, nor do you need separate notebooks -or scraps of paper- for to-do lists.

So here I am, 2018 with a bullet journal, here are some thoughts: