2017 Best of Nine
Saturday, December 30, 2017
hey there,
it's the end of the year -which I'm sure you're aware of- and this period usually calls for New Year's resolutions and some serious reflection. I'm not one for resolutions, I think the beginning of a month or year doesn't set the tone: you can start whenever you want. Having said that, I do think it's nice to look back on what the past year has done for you. Seek the highs and the lows, and discover what you wish to continue or drop.
Inspired by my amazing friend and ultimate blogger Eden (link to here blog here), I thought it was fun to do this reflection alongside my nine most liked instagram posts. Wouldn't be a true millennial if I didn't include something social media-esque right. So what made the cut, what did I learn, and what will change?
Recipe for a Good Day
Saturday, December 23, 2017
hey there,
happy christhums, it's christmah. merry crisis, merry chrysler.
It is the Saturday before Christmas, and if you're out and about like me: 1) why 2) good luck.Let the lines be short and the people patient. Because Christmas is stressful enough, I thought it would be nice to share my recipe for a Good Day™ so in order to secure optimal relaxation.
Here's what you need to do:
So Long, Farewell
Sunday, December 17, 2017
hey there,
keeping in theme of my last blog post (read here) I thought inserting a little bit of The Sound of Music wouldn't hurt anyway. Today's post is about going home, going away, and feeling homesick. I've been in England for four months now and it has been quite the journey. Not just literally, also figuratively. I'm not sure if I've gone full Miley Cyrus - The Climb yet, but I'm definitely Climb Every Mountain (Sound of Music) level.
12 Days of Christmas Films
Tuesday, December 12, 2017
hey there,
There's only T W E L V E days until Christmas!!!! Happy Chrysler everybody. Time to decorate your trees, drink hot chocolate, and eat all the edible christmas tree decorations before they go in the tree! If you have any time left in between all the gift buying and decorating (and studying) it's got to be filled with Christmas movies. I love Christmas movies, they bring out this warm feeling that isn't quite mirrored by anything else. I've put together a list of my fave movies to watch at Christmas, and some I'm dying to watch this year. So put your festive pjs on a let's get cracking.
Meme, Myself, and I
Saturday, December 9, 2017
hey there,
Today I want to tell you a little bit more about me, who I am as a person, and what keeps me busy. As the end of the semester is approaching and I'm getting ready to go back home the opportunity for school related posts are getting sparse. So let me take you through my week day by day!
York Day Trip
Tuesday, December 5, 2017

hey there,
I'm sorry there was no blogpost up this past Saturday. The week leading up to it was busy and I just did not find the time to sit down and write. With two weeks until the end of my first semester, I find myself struggling to find the motivation to do the smallest things, but I have planned out everything that's going up this month so be prepared for preparedness!
Last Friday, Gabriëlle and I went on a day trip to York. York, ye olde one, is only about 50 minutes away by train so it was definitely a place we wanted to visit. It's also one of the most Christmassy towns, so that's also a big incentive for two Christmas lovers. I have been to York in the past, but that was a good 7 years ago. Funnily enough, nothing much had changed in those years. I found myself knowing where to go, where the shops were, and pointing out the Starbucks I had frequented for hot chocolates and frappuccinos...
Tuesday Chat: Traveling
Tuesday, November 28, 2017
hey there,
This past weekend I spent in Israel enjoying the 20°C degree weather, soaking up as much sun as possible, and hanging with my best bae for her sister's wedding. I'm sure it was very fun and I'm sure I'm gonna be too exhausted to write a post when I get back (which is 1:25 am on a school night), so I decided to pre-write this post and schedule it.
This Tuesday's post is all about traveling. I thought it was a nice way to tie in with the fact that I traveled five hours by plane with an hour layover each way. So if you're interested in hearing me ramble about overpacking and flight stress just click the read more.
The Podcast Post: She's All Fat.
Saturday, November 25, 2017
hey there,
I haven't had the most fortunate of relationships with podcasts. As in, the one podcast I followed for a while -Welcome to Nightvale- ended up being the background music to a car accident I had when I was nineteen. So you can imagine why I didn't listen to podcasts for a while after that.
I've always enjoyed listening to TED Talks or interviews, but never quite found a podcast that I could fully relate to... up until I found She's All Fat: A Body Positive Podcast. As you might guess from the title, it is a podcast made by and for fat women but with a body positive twist.
Christmas Present Shopping on a Budget
Tuesday, November 21, 2017

hey there,
A few days ago I asked my friends what to write about for this blogpost after snapchatting them about my successful Christmas present shop.. so this was their answer. It's not even December, but I'm 85% done with my Christmas shopping for this year. Seeing as I don't have to buy anyone Sinterklaas presents - I can just enjoy all the chocolade pepernoten my mom has sent me- I was able to just focus on Christmas this year. Usually Christmas is a very expensive ordeal, but seeing as I have a balloon payment due before and just after Christmas I could not allow myself to go all out. Luckily I didn't need to as I found some really good presents that I'm sure my friends and family will appreciate.
I know shopping for Christmas presents can be hella stressful, and I've been out there on the 24th. But I've sworn never to go there ever again, so I devised a strategy to combat the pre-christmas stress. Are you struggling with your presents? Let me share some of my tips
Skincare Regime
Saturday, November 18, 2017
hey there,
If you're a long term friend you know I love two things: complaining and telling people what they should do. I mean I have more hobbies, but these possibly headline the others. One of the main areas in which I like to tell people what and what not to do is skincare (Hi Hilde). So why not open myself up and share what I do to keep my skin looking relatively okay. I am no expert, I'm just going off of what I've learned from Youtubers and other bloggers and my own experience. My skin is combination-oily with some dry patches in the winter, so it might react different to your skincare needs.
Turning Twenty-Three
Wednesday, November 15, 2017
Today is my birthday! I turned 23 and sadly can no longer sing along to T-swift's '22'. No hard feelings about that though, I wasn't the biggest fan to begin with. I've changed this blog post around quite a bit since I started writing it to avoid writing a paper that I have now finished.... Although right now I'm still procrastinating writing another paper that was due today at midday, let's hope this bitch managed to pull it off! edit: I did - slept for 4 hours but concealer is bae
The past year was very eventful. Despite the difficulties that come with finishing a BA, starting over in a different country, and trying to get ASOS next day delivery to work, I made some seriously good friends along the way. They've helped me grow as a person in more way they'd probably know, I haven't thanked them enough and probably don't think I'll ever be able to. You are the most wonderful people in the world, so thank you.
To start this new year, I wanted to discuss some lessons I've learned during my 22nd year. I'll warn you in advance that not all of them are happy-go-lucky, something you might expect from a birthday blog post. But rest assured, I'll definitely try to eat some cake today to compensate.
I hope you have a lovely wednesday, and here's five lesson's I learned this year:
Why I Love Autumn and Botanical Gardens
Saturday, November 11, 2017
hey there,
Fall is officially here! Halloween might be over, but I'm not over Halloween. So I'm doing everything to celebrate this time of year. What better way then to surround yourself with as much of it as possible. One of the best places to do that is in a park, which leads us to the Botanical Gardens. At the beginning of our arrival here Gabriëlle stumbled upon a celebration of Bonfire Night at the Botanical Gardens, sadly we didn't get tickets before the event was sold out, but we knew that it was a place we would have to visit regardless of impending fireworks or not, we would just create our own.
Hiking in the Peaks
Tuesday, November 7, 2017
Hi there,
About a month back me and my friend decided to go on an adventure in the Peak District, which is about 20 minutes from where we live. After some super intense googling and pinteresting we decided upon going to Stannage Edge near Hathersage. Now, neither of us are experienced hikers nor are we familiar with the area, but it looked beautiful so there was nothing to lose. The internet had promised us beautiful rock formations, a cool cliff, and sight for days. So we jumped on the bus and guessed where we had to exit, because English busses don't announce what stop you're at so good luck with that.
yonnaway - an introduction
Thursday, November 2, 2017
Hey there,
If you've come across this post it is probably because you follow my instagram and want to know what I'm going to turn this project into. You are also most likely to know me pretty well already. In case you don't or just want to be a little nosy, I've set up this handy little list of things you should know about me before you commit to ignoring my weekly posts.
If you've come across this post it is probably because you follow my instagram and want to know what I'm going to turn this project into. You are also most likely to know me pretty well already. In case you don't or just want to be a little nosy, I've set up this handy little list of things you should know about me before you commit to ignoring my weekly posts.
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