Being the Fat Friend | Fat Friday

hey there,

As I am reading and writing about female friendships for my dissertation, the idea struck me to consider my position as a friend, mainly my position as the Fat Friend. I've been the Fat Friend most of my life, even though I only got labeled "fat" around age 7 or 8. But what is it about being labeled the Fat Friend that makes it different from being just "the friend"? This week's Fat Friday article will dive into that.

New Feature: #FatFriday

hey there and happy Friday,

I've been thinking about how to return to blogging for a while now. I kind of disappeared after I said I was gonna be posting weekly again lol, but I majorly underestimated the pressure I was under at the end of the semester. Summer is fully upon us now -as my sweaty back can account for- but I still have my dissertation to write. With two months to the deadline I don't know how frequent my posts will be but I hope by introducing this feature, you'll at least have something to fill your Fridays.

So what is this "fat Friday" thing I set up? Fat Friday posts will range from anything surrounding body positivity to food, to fashion, to tv shows.. Basically they're your regular old blog post but with an emphasis on my fatness and how it plays into my life.

If you are new to body positivity and fat positivity please understand that fat is just a descriptor, there's nothing negative about being fat, like there's nothing negative about having red hair, or short legs, or no patience to deal with children. It merely describes a part of my body. Many people see it as a bad thing, an unhealthy thing, a personification of laziness and disgust, which majorly dictates how fat people are treated: how I am treated.

I hope you'll enjoy coming on this journey with me, I am very excited to have a place to talk about these things and hopefully present a platform from which you can find out more about body positivity.

See you next week!
